JSC Grodno meat-packing plant is declared to be the winner of the republican competition The best exporter of the years – 2008 at the nomination Food industry. Honorable diploma was presented to the enterprise at Rewarding ceremony having taken place at the Belarusian trade-industrial chamber on the April 14th, 2009.
The meat-packing plant was able not only to hold out but has doubled export volumes at extremely unfavorable market conditions. While many other native food enterprises become victims of trade wars and overstocked, Grodno enterprise through own commodity distribution network and for foreign partners’ orders supplied to Russia, EU countries and Iran with meat products for the total of $ 34 mln. ($ 16 mln. in 2007).
We consider export as priority development way, - says Anatoly Grishuk, the general director. – The foreign supplies ratio increased 25% that proves our products quality, managing and marketing measures effectiveness.
The pass into the neighbor markets was ensured by the enterprise policy at the production certification sphere: since 2003 Grodno meat-packing plant is working according to the international standards ISO 9001-2001 and ISO 9001-2000 of German accreditation system TGA. Besides it was the plant first within the branch to pass the certification according to the Quality management and food products safety System on the base of NASSP principles. In November 2006 the Environmental management system certificate according to the STB ISO 14001-2006 requirements was got.
But our foreign and native consumers are mostly interested not in documentary accompaniment of Grodno delicacies but their unique taste, - emphasizes Anatoly Grishuk. – The main components of our success are natural raw material, exclusive products receipts, professional responsibility and mastery of each of our workers.
Dimensioned investment to the production development enabled to create a mobile competitive assortment managing system, therefore it includes nowadays 450 names and widens with 15-20 new products annually. While range developing gustatory passions and financial possibilities of different consumer groups are taken into account.
Grodno delicacies PRUSMAKI enjoy steady popularity not only at family table as well as within numeral professional tasting committee members. So the jury at the trade exhibition AGRORUSY in St.-Petersburg with one mind gave the gold medals to the boiled sausage Doctorskaya and summer delicacy Babyshkin gostinec and Okorok Grodnensky was marked off with silver medal. Our plant’s representatives returned from Riga with the diploma for the most tasty meat product by Belarusian traditions. Munkhenskie sausages and Okorok Neman were included into the list of the Best products of the Republic of Belarus at the Russian Federation market.
These and others award are got during just one year – 2008. At JSC Grodno meat-packing plant everybody is sure that this year will not be less rich for diplomas and medals. And this is the very case when the pints of view of experienced tasters and common buyers from Belarus, Russia and Poland are fully coinciding.
In 2008 JSC Grodno meat-packing plant has participated in the following contests:
1. The winner’s diploma at the Public contest The best product of the year – 2008 at the nomination Pork and beef products got the Meat puff boiled product Rulet domashniy.
2. The winner’s diploma at the Public contest The best product of the year – 2008 at the nomination Pork and beef products got the Pork smoke-dried product Rulet iz grudinky Raduga.
3. The winner’s diploma at the Public contest The best product of the year – 2008 at the nomination Pork and beef products got the Summer product Fillechka Osibaya.
4. The winner’s diploma at the Public contest The best product of the year – 2008 at the nomination Summer sausage products got the Summer salami sausage of highest grade Sudgzyk vostochnyi.
5. The winner’s diploma at the Public contest The best product of the year – 2008 at the nomination Boiled sausage products got the Boiled sausage of highest grade Doctorskaya Premium.
6. The best product of the year GUST 2008: The winner’s diploma at the Tasting contest JSC Grodno meat-packing plant got for the wieners of highest grade Detskie at the nomination Sausage products for pre-school and school nutrition with right for marking with Gust-mark.
7. The best product of the year GUST 2008: The winner’s diploma at the Tasting contest JSC Grodno meat-packing plant got for the bacon Domashnaya and the beef boiled smoky roll Nezhnuy nowuy at the nomination Original meat boiled smoky products with right for marking with Gust-mark.
8. The winner’s diploma at the Contest The best businessman of 2007 year - The best businessman at Nutrition products industry branch is the Joint stock corporation Grodno meat-packing plant in Grodno.
9. JSC Grodno meat-packing plant is the laureate at contest The best products of the Republic of Belarus at the Russian Federation market at 2008 the products at the nomination Foodstuffs:
- Boiled sausage of highest grade Doctorskaya Premium
- Highest grade sausages Munchenskie
- Pork summer product Okorok Nemanskiy.
10. The laureate at the contest The best products of the Republic of Belarus 2008 the products at the nomination Foodstuffs:
- Pork summer product Okorok Classicheskiy
- Summer product Zakuska Kremvevskaya
- Pork summer product Grodzenki prysmak.